Hari B Khalsa’s

poems have been published in numerous journals including the following: Nimrod, Western Humanities Review, Poet Lore, Zone 3 and The Dew Drop. She is the author of a chapbook, Life in Two Parts (Main Street Rag, 2010) and a book of poems, Talk of Snow (Walrus, 2015). Her award-winning chapbook, She Speaks to the Birds at Night While They Sleep was released summer, 2021. Her website is haribpoet.com.


The Mystery

Slowly it strikes me how quiet it is - Sharon Olds

I doze in a chair, book on my chest. Fog outside

the east-facing window. Fire in the stove. I survive

the day with raisins and eyeliner, pomegranate

and white stones placed in the shape of a river.

Tomorrow is a mystery. I forget this and lament

running out of eggs, rain stains on the ceiling, flares

of anger. When I get a dog, I’ll tolerate its dog

smell, paws tracking in dirt, wisps of hair swirling

the floor. I will take its face in my hands, press

my fleshy nose deep into the plush of its neck.

From the poem “Sunday in the Empty Nest” from The Unswept Room.